Hunter Jacobs - North Dakota - September 2
By: Brennen Nading (@nadingbr)
We are excited to be back in North Dakota to kick off the 2022 deer season. I can’t think of a better place than the northern plains to chase whitetails in early September, especially with camp Dinkota as our base camp. For the first time in a while it seems, the weather lined up in our favor for opening weekend. Hunter has been up to North Dakota hunting with us before, but had always been behind the camera and had yet to buy a tag, until now. With intel pouring in from the cell cams, we sent Hunter into a spot that we call “Train Station” for the first evening. There had been 2 solid shooter bucks frequenting the area and with the cool temperatures, optimism was high! As luck would have it, as the sun began to set, one of the heavy 8 pointers made his way into bow range and Hunter was happy as ever to wrap his tag around the antlers of his first velvet buck, and his first out-of-state buck! What a great way to kick off the season!