Ross Weeks - North Dakota - December 17th, 2024
By: Brennen Nading (@nadingbr)
Ross and myself spent a couple weeks hunting in North Dakota back in September. Ross had his heart set on a couple really good bucks, but they never slipped up. I was able to knock down a good buck towards the end of our early season stint, leaving Ross up to bat when we would return for the late season push. With the shotgun seasons going on back in Iowa, we headed back to camp Dinkota to give it another whirl before the holidays. A couple cold days upon arrival, the anticipation was high for the first 2 evenings of the trip. On night 1, Ross and Hayden settled into a blind with hopes of laying eyes on the buck we call "Wam Bam". Just before dark, the buck stood up in the CRP grass a few hundred yards away and never moved. It got dark, and the guys slipped out of there. The weather ended up warming up, and wind directions didn't allow him to hunt that particular buck for nearly a week. Finally, cold weather was returning and the wind was switching back in his favor. With 5-8" of snow forecasted for the following day, hopes were high that the deer would be on their feet feeding. Sure enough, a younger buck and some does made their way to the feed, and not far behind them was "Wam Bam". Ross made a great shot and we watched the big old buck tip over 100 yards away. Patience and persistence paid off and Ross was sitting behind one hell of a buck, his first ever in North Dakota!